The Parade Ground was the principal outdoor ceremonial space of Fort Slocum. It was the location of the post’s flagpole, which was the focus of the daily rituals of reveille (raising the flag in the morning) and retreat (lowering it in the evening). The Parade Ground was also the scene of parade-reviews of the post’s personnel, ceremonies marking changes in command and the graduation of training classes, announcements of national importance, and similar activities. It served as the scene of outdoor band concerts, inspections, routine drill practice, athletic contests, public exhibitions, and other events.
Twenty-two buildings on the post faced the Parade Ground. This central greensward separated Officers’ Row on the western side from the Barracks Area on eastern side, demarcating the residential areas occupied by officers and from that originally designed to house enlisted men.
From the 1880s until the 1960s, when Fort Slocum closed, the Parade Ground was a grassy open space bordered by trees. It was approximately 300 feet wide and 1,600 feet long, and while not absolutely flat, was a reasonably level piece of ground. Since Fort Slocum closed in 1965, the Parade Ground has become overgrown by trees, vines, and weeds.
Parade Ground
01-Parade functional hiliteLocation of the Parade Ground at Fort Slocum.   02-PGrnd c1893 NA-RG92Buildings and trees lined the Parade Ground (left center), located in the middle of Davids Island. View north-northwest, ca. 1889.   03-NRPL_FS27Aerial view of the Parade Ground, looking north, 1950s.   04-Flagpole 1955-07-29 MACRaising the flag on Fort Slocum's flagpole, looking north, July 1955. This guyed flagpole was replaced in ca. 1960 by a freestanding monopole.   05-PGrnd 1904 -11-16 MACDress parade, a ceremony in which soldiers wear full, formal uniforms and carry arms. Southern end of the Parade Ground, looking north-northeast, November 1904.   06-Bandstd c1917 TtPCjs_ BandStandIn the early 20th century Fort Slocum's bands often performed from a bandstand that stood on the Parade Ground just opposite the Post Exchange (Building 70).   07-PGrnd 1942-09-05 MACMarching in formation on the Parade Ground during a graduation ceremony. Looking west at Officers' Row (Buildings 9 and 10), September 1942.   08-PGrnd Flagpole 1963-11-22 MACPersonnel in formation at the post flagpole marking the death of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Looking southeast toward the Mess Hall (Building 67, left) and Barracks (Building 68, right).   09-parade grnd - E bdg 7Fort Slocum's former Parade Ground overgrown with trees, shrubs and vines in vicinity of Building 7, view north, November 2006.   10-Parade flagpole 276Fort Slocum's flagpole in the overgrown Parade Ground surrounded by young trees, looking southwest, December 2005.  